Modern Day Doctor | Ancient Wisdom

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Hi! I'm Dr. Susan Cucchiara

I am a licensed Naturopathic Physician helping people of all ages heal from acute and/or chronic health conditions.

Dr. Susan Cucchiara headshot

Dr. Susan Cucchiara is a Naturopathic Doctor whom graduated from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona. She is trained as primary care physician and is an expert in natural and holistic health. Dr. Cucchiara sees everyone from pediatrics to geriatrics and treats everything from the common cold up and through chronic diseases. She does so using safe and effective healing techniques specifically tailored to each unique individual.

Dr. Cucchiara specializes in nutrition, metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, autoimmunity, mental health disorders, lyme, mold illness, and more! She develops a personalized treatment plan to address your health concerns utilizing single homeopathic remedies, biotherapeutic drainage remedies, herbs, supplementation, nutrition and at-home remedies. Most of Dr. Cucchiara’s practice is virtual over video/phone. She relocated from NYC to West LA and will be taking on in-person patients later in 2020.


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open magazine featuring Dr. Susan Cucchiara''s 12 steps to health success publication